Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mission So far Accomplished

Turns out, they today is the day we (Cassius, Trebonious, me…) planned to shank out Caesar. I didn’t really want to do it, so I had to convince myself it was for the good of the student body, whether it made headlines or not… Here’s what it sounded like:
Cassius: Yo, Julius, lemme talk to you for a sec.

Julius: Yeah, no prob.

Trebonious: Yeah, we got a proposal for you, and if you can’t accept it, then there’s more where it came from

Julius: Um…

Me: Well – yeah, you know how you were going to run for class prez? Well you’re runnin’ with me, got it? Understand?

Julius: What are you talking about – I thought I’d told you I’d – (interrupted as Cassius draws a pencil, which triggers Titinius, Trebonious, and everyone else.)

Julius: What’s goin’ on right now – ya’ll better tell me what’s – (pencils get closer, backing him into a corner) Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never… wait… aw, snap!
The shanking begins, and goes on for minutes. Then, after what seems like an eternity to me, everyone looks at me. I’m the only one who hasn’t gone yet. Julius is leaning up against the wall, white t-shirt all ripped and marked with pens and pencils and everything.

So I step up… This part’s the hardest for me, even harder than watching it all before. But again, I managed to convince myself that it was for the good of the student body. For the good of the school. For the good of Italy. For the good of all of Rome! Then Julius’ mouth opens…

Julius: You too, Brutus? Dang – fine, I’ll run with you then. Fine. There’s a silent fist pump among the guys and then they storm back into the cafeteria to finish their food. I follow them, taking my eyes off of Caesar for as long as I could. The deed was done, and it was over. But I’d still have to run with him – for the good of Rome!I admit that I’m a bit nervous, because I’ve never run for student office or anything like that before. But someone’s got to do it.
Mission Accomplished… So far

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