Sunday, February 3, 2008

Heyy, it's all for the good of Rome, Peoplz

Yeah, so Caesar’s not running for class president anymore – big deal… Actually, I think we’ll all be happier with it this way. Nobody has to worry about friendship issues or competition or anything. In fact, just yesterday after school and first period this morning, Julius and I re-continued what had been a weak friendship. We made sure we weren’t enemies anymore. It was hard to do, because it is always a tough subject to talk about with anyone, including your very best friends. But it was all for our own good, and for the good of our school’s future. just think about it – what would have happened if the two of us had actually tried to make things work and run for ‘office’ together? Nothing would or could have come out of it. That’s why I think that both of us are really satisfies about our decision to forget about the whole thing. Also, the other candidates who are still running seem to be doing just fine without so much competition.

I also spoke in a group a few periods ago (during study hall) with Casca and ‘Trebo’ and Titinius and all of them to let them know how Julius and I had made up, and that they should probably leave him alone now… It took them awhile to get thatJ. They disagreed with me at first, kind of playing around with the idea that we should still be able to poke him around, but I denied it for his own good. It was also for the good of the school. In a sense, you could say it was for the good of Rome! (This was a bit of a stretch, but I had to beat it into their heads so they would at least hear me out on this one.)

Um… yeah, so now I’m just going on with regular life. I still don’t know whose side to take for the school election, because I was so caught up in my own activities.

I still take all my friend’s advice.

I still do all people tell me to do.

I still join clubs because my tell me to.

I still have a weak spot for politics.

But it’s all for the good of Rome

………………….Jus' keepin' it real, everyone……………………

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